I am a recently retired RN who’s always had a passion for painting and drawing since my childhood. My retirement has afforded me the opportunity to pursue my art.
I started working with pastels about a year and a half ago, utilizing online pastel artist videos to augment my style. I attended a workshop of Cuong Nguyen, a world-renown artist specializing in oils and pastels sponsored by the MidAtlantic Pastel Society earlier this year. It was an amazing experience and I am using the training to practice his technique to improve my pastel portraits and landscapes.
I love sharing my art with other people. I think in our age when you can take an endless number of photos, there’s something very special about taking the time to create art out of those moments. I think you can see the care I take with these moments in my work.

1st Place
Annual Art Walk – Huron Shores Artisan Hall Juried Art Show: Take Flight Theme